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Tools for IT recruiters in Britain

Tools for IT recruiters in Britain

UK IT recruitment agencies are prominent representatives of the diverse recruiting business throughout the country. As in other European countries, the bulk of these agencies are concentrated in the capital.

IT recruitment agencies in London do a great job of attracting qualified specialists. The tools that recruiters use in their work are of interest. Most of them are familiar to Ukrainian recruiters, but there are also differences.

  1. Local and international sites. In addition to vacancies and candidates, you can find a lot of interesting data about salary levels, the number of specialists in industries, applicants in a particular city, and much more. These sites are also used for analytical work.
  2. IT sites. These are specialized platforms specifically for finding jobs for technical specialists.
  3. Various CRM systems. The obvious reasons for using them are convenience and automation.

It is worth adding to the first points that large companies and agencies are not looking for loopholes or savings. They often pay the maximum for all paid subscriptions to services and quietly enjoy their benefits.

  1. Virtual fairs. Holding such events has not found popularity in our country, but in Britain they have become almost traditional. Despite the fact that organizing such events takes a lot of time from the organizers.
  2. The Guardian and Financial Times. Oddly enough, the websites of these publications have extensive sections that relate to job searches.
  3. Recommendations. This is a popular tradition in Britain. Services offered by IT recruitment agencies in London take even these aspects into account.

Recruiting Culture

The last point on the list brings us to another feature of British recruiting: cultural differences. The challenges faced by UK IT recruitment agencies will not always be clear to recruiters in other countries. Examples of such features could be the following facts:

– Discussing the legal aspects of contracts with employers takes a lot of time;

– The British take their reputation very seriously. Hence the love for recommendations that they demand from others;

– Most local candidates are open to phone calls. In today’s world this comes as little surprise;

– The art of communication in correspondence generally deserves a separate article.

To fully understand the British, especially in business, it is worth reading literature about the cultural characteristics of the country and its inhabitants in order to learn how to properly build communications. And be sure to pay attention to the context in the dialogue. Then achieving mutual understanding will become a little easier.


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